The Component aims at enhancing the emergency response capacity of local government and other agencies involved in emergency response in highly seismic prone region. Component's output includes:
1) Design of EQ Early Warning System
2) Upgrading Existing Search & Rescue Equipment
3) Training and Capacity Building for First Responders.
Highly seismic vulnerable states will have end to end effective and efficient earthquake early warning system and enhanced emergency response resources and capacity.
The component intends to reduce seismic risk mainly due to earthquake disaster from critical public buildings and infrastructure to protect communities, assets and emergency response capabilities. The activities include retrofitting of critical education, health, administration, emergency response buildings, critical infrastructure like emergency evacuation roads, bridges, landing trips, multi-hazards shelters and selected life line buildings/ structures. Further the component will develop the specification for new / retrofitted hazard resistant technology demonstration models of buildings or infrastructure.
The states will have multi-hazard safe and resilient buildings and emergency response infrastructure for effective preparedness and seamless emergency response system
The objective of this component is to improve the state capacity to manage the associated risks. It will include review the National Council of Professional Engineers (NCPE) draft bill, strengthen/ establish seismic research and development programme, curriculum revision for EQ Engg. topics, formulation & implementation of techno-legal regime, setting up the accreditation programmes for engineers, architects masons and construction personnel.
The component will enable state relevant authorities to build their capacity to institutionalize techno-legal regime and empower development agencies to enforce the regime.
The component will develop system for programme planning, management, progress monitoring and evaluation and reporting of Components A, B & C at the state and national level. It will further set up methodology for procurement management, financial management, environmental and social management framework and Management Information System (MIS).
The national and state disaster management authorities will be enabled to follow systematic and uniform management tools for implementation of activities referred in Component A, B & C.